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Celebrating women at work

International Women's Day 2024 - Simple Ways You Can Inspire Inclusion

By Tammy Sofranic

Happy International Women's Day! This year's theme, #InspireInclusion, reminded us to reflect on it and think about the role we have in society. 

Inclusion isn't just a buzzword—it's a pathway to a kinder, more equitable world. And guess what? You're more powerful than you think in making this world a reality. Every day, with every action and word, you build bridges or walls. Let's choose bridges.

Here's how you can be the 'I' in inclusion, starting today:

Inclusion isn't just a buzzword—it's a pathway to a kinder, more equitable world. And guess what? You're more powerful than you think in making this world a reality. Every day, with every action and word, you build bridges or walls. Let's choose bridges.

Here's how you can be the 'I' in inclusion, starting today:

1. Listen and learn: Before you speak, listen. Listen to the stories of those around you, especially from communities and backgrounds different from yours. Understanding diverse perspectives is the first step towards inclusion.

2. Mind your language: Words are powerful. They can uplift or wound. Use language that respects everyone's identity and preferences. This means using the correct pronouns, avoiding stereotypes, and never making assumptions about someone's background, abilities, or experiences.

3. Amplify diverse voices: Social media is a potent tool. Use your platforms to share and highlight marginalised communities' stories, art, and voices—retweet, share, and like content that challenges the status quo and promotes inclusion.

4. Challenge discrimination: Speak up if you see or hear something wrong. Your voice matters, whether it's a sexist joke, a racially insensitive comment, or any form of bullying. Remember, silence often means complicity.

5. Educate yourself and others: Ignorance is the root of many societal issues. Take the time to educate yourself on different communities' history, struggles, and achievements. Then, share that knowledge with friends, family, and your social networks.

6. Support inclusive spaces and initiatives: Whether it's a club at school, a local community group, or an online forum, get involved in spaces that celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity. Your participation and support make these initiatives stronger.

7. Be a role model: Lead by example. Show kindness, respect, and empathy in your daily interactions. Your behaviour can inspire others to act inclusively.

The steps might seem small or insignificant, but they can make someone's day or even change their life. Imagine, for example, someone battling discrimination comes across you - a voice of reason, empathy and compassion. Well, be that voice!

Read the blogs below to learn more about celebrating and including women in the workplace. 

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